You have the resources at hand to Craft your Dream.

You know your Worth.

You are Free.

Wealth is free.

To be abundant, resourceful, value-creators is our natural state.

Your worth and value are infinite and inherent.

“Once I’m financially free … “

“I want to retire early … “

“Maybe if I switch careers … “

Invariably, most people’s conversation about wealth is that they don’t have enough.

They aren’t “financially free”, they don’t have a successful business, they didn’t get that promotion, etc.

I want to acknowledge that pain.

It can feel overwhelming and debilitating when you’re in it.

Once you understand what true Wealth is, you’ll never struggle with money.

I had less than $0.

No savings, my checking account over-drafted, maxed out credit cards, months behind on rent, $100k+ in high-interest loans, almost no income, “fasting” because I couldn’t justify paying to eat 3 meals a day.

And it wasn’t for lack of trying. I quit my under-appreciated, underpaid, overworked, day job to go all-in on my business.

I had already failed to launch about 5 other businesses over the years.

I thought I was being resilient, committed; A true entrepreneurial risk-taker.

In a sense, I was.

In another sense, I was digging a hole that would take me years to climb out of.

At the very bottom of that downward spiral I learned something that would change me and allow me to create a life where I have everything I could possibly need and more.

Financial Freedom has nothing to do with money.

Maybe you’re just trying to survive.

Maybe you’re trying to create abundance.

Turns out that those two are the same experience.

They are both fundamentally a deep subconscious feeling of LACK.

They are just different flavors of the belief, “I don’t have enough.

If you’re TRYING to get by, or TRYING to create abundance, you’re under the assumption that abundance isn’t already here.

If you view the world through this lens of lack, nothing will ever be enough.

Whether you have less than $0 like I did, or you have several million dollars to spare,

You’ll always need the higher salary, the next big investment, the newer car, the bigger boat, the bigger vacation plan, the exclusive pass.

All of this feeling of lack, that “I don’t have enough” or “things might not work out” or worrying about “what if … “ …

It’s all rooted in a much deeper concern.

How many infants do you know that do chores around the house?

None, I hope.

They don’t contribute any sort of practical, measurable value to anyone.

They aren’t mowing lawns or running marketing agencies.

Yet we all inherently understand that an infant is infinitely precious and valuable.

Not because of what they do, but just by nature of their being.

Just by virtue of the fact that they exist, they are treasured.

To be Wealthy in every sense of the word, you must remember and embody the fact that your inherent, infinite worth has never changed. Your essence is immutable.

True Wealth, true Financial Freedom, is the absence of the feeling of lack.

This feeling of lack is cultural. It’s trained into us.

It becomes an aspect of our social identity.

The real concern is not that you don’t HAVE enough, but that at some level WHO YOU ARE is not enough.

It’s a fear that you aren’t valuable, you aren’t worthy, you don’t deserve it.

Again, true Financial Freedom has nothing to do with money.

True financial freedom is the ability to be free REGARDLESS of finances.

Freedom FROM money, rather than believing the lie that anyone attains freedom BECAUSE of their money.

More poetically, Financial Freedom is a feeling of faith and understanding in the universe.

A feeling that no matter what you do or don’t have, things are unfolding for your ultimate benefit in ways that you may not understand yet.

A trust that not matter what happens, you know you will be okay. You know you will have the presence, patience, and strength to navigate that circumstance.

Wealth is not an arbitrary amount of dollars in your bank account;

Wealth is a way of being.

It is opening your mind to infinite possibilities.

Wealth is gratitude for everything you experience. Even the hard stuff.

It is humble patience blended with radical responsibility.

It’s a reverence for the mysteries unfolding around us that always guide us toward higher levels of awareness and self-expression.

All of this is accessible to you. Here. Now.

Feel it and money will never be an issue for you.

You will have become the kind of person who can naturally create wealth anywhere you go, because your mind and energy are free to create and connect, rather than wasted on worry.

Don’t let a story in your mind about age, history, childhood, race, politics, or anything else prevent you from feeling free.

“The last of the human freedoms: to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.

You have inherent worth.

Infinite worth.

Embrace it.


You’ll never get there.

If you’re “getting there” all you’re really saying is that you’re not HERE.

HERE and NOW is all you’ll ever experience.

If THERE is always where you want to get to, always looking somewhere in the future, you’ll never be happy.

Of course you can still be committed to continuing to create a beautiful future.

Stop seeking.

Stop trying to get there.

Stop expecting yourself to have it all figured out.

Life is not a Mario level with a castle at the end.

You don’t need to speed-run it.

It’s an open-world game with infinite side-quests.

Explore. Enjoy the adventure.

Treat your challenges as opportunities to level up.

You can still have goals and commitments.

Just be open to letting Life surprise you.

BE where you’re at now.

Want help implementing these insights? Check out the Mastermind.

Continue the Foundations with part three, Relationships.