For those that have passion, persistence, and potential
but are struggling to overcome overthinking, procrastination, and burnout …

Stop Expecting Self-Improvement Books, Supplements, and Morning Routines to Bring You a Free Mind, Vital Body, & Playful Life

Learn to achieve whatever you want with effortless discipline, unlimited confidence, and a feeling of infinite freedom.

What good is a new paint job if the engine is broken?

What good is new furniture if the house is on fire?

What good are new routines, projects, relationships, and jobs if you still feel unworthy, unsuccessful, and unfulfilled?

(Trust me, getting those things won’t take the feeling away)

Yo! I’m Dalton,

(that’s me doing a handstand there)

I’m the guy they come to when overthinking, burnout, anxiety, and unfulfillment are sticking around.

I help them access a lasting sense of freedom, vitality, clarity, and playfulness so they can finally start doing exactly what they’ve always wanted and being who they’ve only dreamt of becoming.

When I first started on this path …

I was fat, lonely, angry, broke, and addicted to video games.

Over the course of a decade,

After thousands of hours of study,

$100k in courses, masterminds, coaching, and retreats,

and countless failed projects, relationships, and routines …

I’ve sustainably and joyfully achieved the body, marriage, and career of my dreams.

And I promise you, it’s not “luck” or even “hard work

I’ve helped 115+ clients access freedom in all areas of life.

I’m on a mission to make that number 8 Billion.

I would wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone who is intent on getting more out of life.

One of the most valuable investments I've ever made in my personal development - I only wish I'd come across it earlier.

-Victor W., Founder and CEO of VIX Protection

This has been a truly transformative experience for me, and I cannot recommend it highly enough to anyone looking to unlock their creative potential and alter their perception of the world.

It's not just a coaching program, it's a journey towards self-discovery and personal growth that everyone deserves to experience.

-Palveshey, Coach, Creator, Physicist

My Newest Program:

Limitless Mastermind

A 6-Week Masterclass in
Mind-Architecture & Holistic Lifestyle Design
To Launch You Beyond Limiting Beliefs, Fear, and Wasted Potential
And Into Your Dream
POINT B(E) in Life.


You’re not who you think you are … and that’s good news.


Your only limit is your own beliefs … and gravity, but I’m not so sure about that one.


When you define yourself, you confine yourself.


Children don’t struggle with uncertainty, perfectionism, or discipline. We don’t have to either.


The One becomes Two for the joy of becoming One again.


Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.


Dalton has the presence and ability to connect and go down to the depths of our narratives to identify patterns of belief that are not serving us.

He has the ability to use logical thoughts and questions to get us to a point of our own realization of the truth.


Click to read the full testimonials

  • I'm delighted to share my experience with the Mind Parkour Coaching Program that has not just marked a significant shift in my perception of the world but has also awakened my latent creativity like never before.

    Prior to my engagement with this program, I found myself navigating through a maze of unstructured ideas, unable to channel my creativity or comprehend the depths of my potential..

    In signing up for Mind Parkour, I embarked on a journey that transformed my worldview and ignited my dormant creativity. Dalton as my coach, with his expert guidance and profound understanding of human psyche, unraveled aspects of my mind and thought process that I was unaware of. He took a keen interest in understanding my personality, identified areas of improvement and shaped his coaching techniques to suit my needs, creating a personalized approach that I believe was instrumental in my transformation.

    The coaching sessions were interactive and inspiring, weaving together life experiences, wisdom, and relatable anecdotes that struck a chord with my own struggles and aspirations. The tasks assigned were carefully curated to challenge preconceived notions and push me out of my comfort zones.

    His innovative strategies not only honed my critical thinking abilities but also encouraged me to seek inspiration in the mundane, nurturing my imaginative mind. The program was punctuated with lessons on empathy, resilience, adaptability, and perseverance, creativity and most importantly freedom, molding me into a holistic individual ready to embrace any challenge life throws at me.

    In a matter of weeks, I noticed a difference in myself. I was looking at the world through a lens of limitless possibilities. The walls of my self-constructed box were crumbling, and in its place, I found a boundless field of creativity awaiting my exploration. I started generating fresh ideas, was unafraid to experiment, and was able to see connections that were invisible to me before.

    Looking back, I realize the most beautiful aspect of this program was its ability to turn the coaching space into a safe haven for me to voice my deepest fears and biggest dreams, without the fear of being judged. Dalton offered constructive feedback, always emphasizing that there were no mistakes, only steppingstones towards betterment and every idea, no matter how small, held the seed of something extraordinary.

    Today, I feel equipped to navigate through life with a creativity and an evolved perspective of the world. I am more open-minded, more curious, and most importantly, more confident in my ability to create and innovate.

    In conclusion, this coaching program has been a truly transformative experience for me, and I cannot recommend it highly enough to anyone looking to unlock their creative potential and alter their perception of the world. It's not just a coaching program, it's a journey towards self-discovery and personal growth that everyone deserves to experience.


  • I began Dalton's program with the hopes of boosting my day-to-day productivity and improving my overall outlook on life.

    What I received instead was nothing short of a total life reset.

    Dalton began each session by asking what is present within me.

    He would listen so intently that it would draw out thoughts and emotions from that I didn't even realize were there.

    He has had an uncanny ability to invite my heart and mind to open without me ever realizing what's happened, and before I knew it I was seeing my true self, as I am, for the first time since childhood.

    If you're looking for a standard therapist or life coach, you've got the wrong guy.

    Meetings with Dalton felt less like routine, more like sacrament. I left each session with a persisting sense of peace and harmony, the likes of which I don't think I've experienced since attending church as a child.

    When asked to describe Dalton's role, I've struggled - he is in equal parts guru, life coach, dear friend, personal philosopher, therapist, and confidant, and yet completely unlike any one of these figures.

    The closest that I've come to an proper description is this: Dalton is the Aristotle to my Alexander the Great.

    His guidance is gentle and nuanced, but helps you reach a point where you feel powerful and limitless.

    He will never tell you an answer, but will always guide you to discovering your own resolution.

    He is admirably intelligent and sage, yet humble and intentionally distant in his approach.

    He is capable of being immensely rational and pragmatic, yet teaches you to embrace spirituality and the mysteries of the universe - I found him especially effective at this point.

    He is the first person to effectively convince me that the universe is good and will always sort itself out without my input.

    Dalton is so smart and thoughtful that I believe he just might have all of the answers himself, but he has the humility to intentionally withold them and the wisdom to convey the value of not seeking them in the first place.

    He's the closest thing that I've found to a modern-day philosopher, and his guidance has been invaluable.

    The best word to describe Dalton's lasting impact on me is 'harmony'. Our sessions helped me declutter both my mind and my physical surroundings.

    From our first session until now, I have examined and re-evaluated the narratives that had been underpinning my identity.

    I've become able to unravel the stories that don't serve me and freshly evaluate new ones as they arise.

    I feel lighter, less burdened, and more clear-minded now.

    It's helped me approach the people around me with more genuine kindness while becoming less of a people-pleaser.

    I feel more confident in being my true self, whereas before the clutter of my mind convinced me that I needed to become a likable actor towards the outside world.

    This newfound realization has brought with it a fulfilling sense of harmony and peace.

    Through Dalton, I've developed a fresh confidence in my abilities and my value, coming to understand that I am not a burden on the world but a gift to it.

    I won't pretend like I am suddenly healed of all the challenges and suffering of life, but through what I've learned I can honestly say that I feel limitless in my capabilities.

    Again - the comparison of Aristotle mentoring Alexander the Great comes to mind.

    The impact of our sessions is something I am still experiencing and processing, and I continue to take the lessons and apply them to my business, my relationships, and my spiritual life.

    I would wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone who is intent on getting more out of life.

    If you've ever wanted a mirror to shine on your own mind, this is it. If you're stuck in anxiety over what should be or depression over what could have been, Dalton is your guy.

    One of the most valuable investments I've ever made in my personal development - I only wish I'd come across it earlier.
