You rise daily with stable and ever-growing energy. 

Your body feels light, mobile, and pain-free. 

Your only vices are water and fresh air. 

Vitality is free. 

To be energetic, strong and relaxed is our natural way of being. 


-Imaginary 5-year old

That kid is dying to do what many would scowl at and call a “workout”.

They call it “play”. 

Look at a wild gorilla or horse. 

Pure, uninhibited, overflowing energy and physical prowess. 

Humans are enthusiastic, curious, adventurous, active, playful. 

These are not things we have to cultivate. We do not have to struggle to become them. 

“Self improvement is just a dressed-up form of self-conflict.”

Every young child does this instinctively.

In order to be truly vital and energetic: 

  • You don’t need supplements (i.e., drugs or “biohacks”)

  • You don’t need a personal trainer

  • You don’t even need a gym

You just need to remove whatever in your mind and lifestyle is blocking your natural vitality from being expressed effortlessly. 

“You already have a six pack. You don’t have to work for it. You just have to STOP doing the things that are blocking it from being seen.”

Health isn’t learned. Your inhibitors are un-learned. 

Let the river flow. 

Trying to block or redirect it by force just creates a dam. 

I can’t judge. I was this way too. 

  • I was the fat kid who got teased in school. 

  • Later, I was a skinny kid who struggled to put on muscle. 

  • Much later still, I was spending hundreds of dollars a month on supplements, massages, and gym memberships trying to counteract joint pain and injuries from training too much. 

I had to experience the whole spectrum until eventually I realized it was all B.S.

It didn’t matter how low my body fat percentage got —

Or what flashy parkour tricks I learned —

It didn’t change my fundamental discontent with the world. With myself. 

This gnawing feeling inside that things weren’t the way they should be.

That I wasn’t as far along as I was supposed to be. 

That I should have done more.  

I was trying to force myself to be more, do more, have more. 

Infinitely trading one neurosis for another. 

Never truly dissolving the root cause. 

Remove the dam and the river flows.

The dam is the tension in your mind that is draining your natural energy.

A shredded physique, a charismatic smile, confident posture, and an overflow of creative energy will all come to you naturally — almost effortlessly. Not because you trained or practiced, but because that is your natural state. 

All of this unfolding naturally relies on one thing. 


You can’t speak a language you’ve never heard of before. 

You can’t change a behavior you don’t realize you’re doing. 

This applies to actions, as well as feelings and thoughts. 

You probably didn’t wake up this morning and powerfully declare: 

“I would love to feel like garbage, hate myself, and put on a few pounds today!” 

No. These things are unconscious. Which means we cannot assign blame, shame, or guilt. 

We can, however, start taking responsibility.

“Where focus goes, energy flows.”

Where do your thoughts, feelings, and actions tend to go? 

Observe yourself. 


Take interest in what triggers you. 

Be curious about the words you use;

They reveal the lens through which you view the world. 

They reveal the stories you’re telling yourself. 

These stories (lies) are the only thing holding you back. 

The only force powerful enough to hold you back is you. 

Life is always new. 

This moment has never happened before. 

Just because you have a history

Does not mean your future has to look just like it. 

You don’t have to “change yourself.”

Or self-improve

Or self-develop

You are not “stuck”

You are not “getting there”

You are not “not doing enough”

Your natural state is inherently vital. 

Naturally free and joyful.

Begin to remove the layers of stories and conditioning that are blocking that.

And all the habits and behaviors that you’ve been struggling to attain

Will start to reveal themselves as your natural way of being. 

Want help implementing these insights? Check out the Mastermind.

Continue the Foundations with part two, Wealth.