You easily find and feel deep connection.
You are understood, seen, and heard.
Your best friend is your Self.
Relationships are free.
To form deep, loving, fun relationships is our natural way of being.
There’s a reason having tension in a relationship feels bad.
It may be “normal”,
But it’s not natural.
It goes against our true nature.
At their core, beneath all of the impatience, frustration, anger, sadness and fear, everyone is just trying to access Love and Acceptance.
People just want to be heard, held, and understood.
To feel like they are valued and worthy.
I only learned this after years of dramatic and unharmonious relationships.
I took every awkward conversation, heartbreak, and selfish decision as an opportunity to become more conscious.
Now my family is more loving and open than I ever imagined, and my wife and I enjoy a daily lifestyle of constant gratitude, laughter and co-creation.
I’m not saying this to brag.
I’m telling you it is possible.
To engage playfully, love, and co-create is the unavoidable result of being who you truly are.
Might sound cliche - “being who you are.”
Have you ever really pondered, “Who am I?”
Every possible way that you try to define yourself in words …
Your job, name, height, passions, religious beliefs, political orientation, etc.
They are all RELATIONSHIPS to something.
Short is only short in comparison to tall.
Black is only black in contrast with white.
You are only YOU in relationship to OTHER.
All we can do is RELATE one thing to another.
We can’t define anything - including ourselves - on its own basis.
Like how words in a dictionary use words to define other words.
The “I” that we call ourselves can only know itself through OTHER.
(Even when that “other” is also oneself)
Relationship is everything.
All thoughts, feelings, and actions are ways of RELATING.
Every relationship is an opportunity for you to learn about yourself.
Whether we’re talking about family, friends, romantic partners, coworkers or the barista behind the counter,
The way that you carry out this RELATING,
All of your RELATIONSHIPS are a reflection of one thing.
Or more specifically, the lens through which you view yourself.
The way you see things is not the way they truly are,
It’s just the way you see them.
Our senses cannot perceive the full reality of something.
If we look at a tree, we see only the part of it that meets our eyes.
We don’t see the back of it.
We don’t see the roots.
We don’t see what it will look like tomorrow.
We don’t consider the air, bugs, dirt, and sunlight as part of the tree (they are).
And we certainly don’t consider ourselves, the observer, to be the tree (we are).
Our senses, thoughts, and feelings are not the entire picture. They’re just our perspective, our individual experience of that thing.
Reality is open to interpretation.
Don’t mistake a limited perspective for the ultimate truth.
Take responsibility for the way you relate to things.
After all, you are the constant - the common denominator - in all of your relationships.
Victimhood vs. Ownership
All ways of relating can fall into two categories.
Playing the victim
Taking responsibility
All tension, discomfort, arguments, and dissatisfaction in any relationship are always rooted in playing the victim in ways you probably don’t recognize.
All harmony, forgiveness, compassion, strength, and growth in any relationship are always rooted in taking responsibility.
Most people play the victim.
Everything is someone else’s fault.
It’s because “they don’t listen”
It’s because “I’m too busy”
It’s because “the system is corrupt”
I’m not saying that there isn’t evidence for some of these claims.
That doesn’t justify giving them full control over your state of wellbeing.
This is not about them. It’s the way you are relating to the situation.
The only way to powerfully relate to life, to others, and to yourself, is to take absolute responsibility for everything you say and do.
Nobody can make you think or feel anything. You are always free to choose how to react.
Take responsibility for the way you show up.
Take ownership of the words you say, and how you say them.
Choose to communicate your feelings and expectations clearly.
Choose to let go of grudges and express gratitude.
You can set boundaries and still express patience and peace.
Love is a Perception.
It’s not something you receive.
It’s not something you DO.
It’s not a chemical state.
It’s not an emotion.
It’s a way of being.
“I’m in Love” does not need to imply that you’re in Love WITH someone.
You can just BE IN the essence of Love all by yourself.
Love creates a positive feedback loop.
Imagine two glasses half full.
You pick up one and pour it into the other.
You place them both back on the table, and realize they’re BOTH completely full.
Love is like that. The more you allow it to flow through you and towards everything else, the more you experience it yourself.
When you exist in that state of allowing and loving, all of your relationships will begin to transform effortlessly.
The inverse of Uncle Ben’s famous words is also true: with great responsibility comes great power.
Want help implementing these insights? Check out the Mastermind.
Complete the Foundations with the finale, Life of Creation.