You are freedom itself.

(Don’t worry if you aren’t levitating and shooting lasers out of your eyes yet. Watch things unfold. Keep dissolving limiting perspectives.)

Experiencing your inherent capacity for effortlessly abundant vitality, wealth, and relationships is just step one.

So what comes next?

What do we do with this energy?

Or rather, where will it lead us?

To understand that, we must understand what path we’re on.

To put it simply, we are Human Beings. (HUMAN + BEING)

We’re Human Beings, not Human Doings.

We have a “human” component, and a “being” component.

For the purposes of this explanation, our “human” side is our animal nature,

Our “being” side is our higher individual essence, our soul/spiritual nature.

Our Human side connects us with everything that is common, mundane, and base about our species.

Think: status-seeking, fighting for resources, sexual competition, fight-or-flight reactivity.

Our Being side connects us with everything that is unique, individual, and transcendent about ourselves.

Think: imagination, inspiration, intuition, creativity, dreams.

The path forward from here is to embrace the nature of our Being, while continuing to make space for the part of us that is Human.

What does that look like?

  • Living from imagination and inspiration

  • Following your own creative dreams

  • Trusting your intuition

  • Being curious

  • Playing

To sum that all into one word:


The Creative Act is a way of being.

You don’t have to be a painter or pianist to be a Craftsman.

  • To enjoy the cycle of learning and sharing.

  • To open your mind to infinite possibility.

  • To direct your energy with focus.

  • To prioritize flow and creativity.

  • To BE, to flow, to trust.

This is the path of art. 

The Reactive Act is also a way of being.

  • Procrastinating what’s most important to you.

  • Getting triggered by minor inconveniences.

  • Always assuming worst-case outcomes.

  • Feeling like a victim, barely surviving.

  • Perpetually trying to DO more.

You can only be Creative or Reactive at any given time.

Which will it be?

Man’s only destiny is that which he chooses for himself.

Destiny has the same etymological root as Destination.

That root (destinare) means “to stand and stare at” or “to make firm”.

Put simply, it's the place that you choose to go.

Your destiny is your choice.

Karma unfolds in relation to your position and state NOW.

Even your gene expression is guided by your current state (which you have power over).

You are free to the degree that you are awake. 

More presence = accessing more of your innate freedom.

More creativity = less reactivity

More Being = less animalistic

Your freedom is continuously revealed through increased awareness.

Awareness expands like trees grow.

There may come a season of winter now and again, but your evolution is already in motion.

Once you start to wake up, it’s very difficult to fall back asleep.

Some are still stuck barely beyond animal consciousness.

Mostly concerned about sex, status, accumulating resources, etc.

They live in a perpetual state of scarcity, lack, and fight-or-flight.

(and for that deserve only our compassion)

To do Art (any Craft) is to ask The Question.

It is to be dedicated to a path of knowledge.

To explore the mysteries of creation and self-expression.

Be free.


For beginner or experienced artists of any craft looking to join a community of other free minds dedicated to their creative practice, consider joining the Guild. Learn more here.

For those that are looking for help reaching this state of naturally overflowing vitality and inspiration, consider reading my other articles. If you would like tailored guidance, consider the Limitless Mastermind. Learn more here.

With Love,


Effortlessly overflowing with creative inspiration and vitality —

That is our natural human condition when uninhibited.

We are here to create, learn, play, and share.


It’s time for humanity to evolve beyond mundane life;

Dissolve limitations and embody true freedom.

Find and hone your Craft; Focus; Awaken.